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live english 1. 당근이지 You bet./ Absolutely.  2. 너나 잘 해 None of your business.  3. 뒷북치지마 Thanks for the history lesson.  4. 어제 필름이 끊겼어 I got blacked out yesterday.  5. 그 사람 그거 참 잘~ 됐다(그게당연하다). 쌤통이다 He deserves it.  6. 그래 니 팔뚝 (또는 니 X) 굵다 Okay, You are the boss!  7. 죽을만큼 마셔보자 Let's go all the way!  8. 니가 나한테 어떻게 그럴 수 있니? How could you do that to me?  9. 놀구 있네~~ 삽질 하네~~ Yeah. Right~  10. 거기 물 좋다 That place rocks.. 2023. 2. 15.
Check the number of Apache in Linux ps -ef | grep httpd | wc -l ​ Check process name with httpd in ps ​ ​ ​ watch 'netstat -an | grep EST | wc -l' ​ Check the number of ESTs with netstat ​ ​ ​ netstat -nap | grep :80 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l ​ Check 80 port with netstat - If http is turned to a port other than 80 port, modify it and search for it ​ ​ ​ You can check it out in these three ways. ​ ​ ​ Three may have different resu.. 2023. 2. 14.
Proper stock price calculation Stock Price = PER X EPS ​ Price-to-earnings ratio (PER) - Profitability index divided by stock price by net profit per share ​ Earnings per share (EPS) - the company's net income divided by the total number of shares issued ​ ​ 1. Calculate and compare PERs of stocks related to the same industry ​ 2. PER calculation near the low price of the stock concerned ​ ​ ​ In general, low PER compared to .. 2023. 2. 14.
적정 주가 계산 주가 = PER X EPS주가수익비율(PER) - 주가를 주당 순이익으로 나눈 수익성 지표주당순이익(EPS) - 기업의 순이익을 발행된 총 주식수로 나눈 값1. 동종 업종 관련주의 PER을 계산해보고 비교2. 해당 종목의 저가 부근의 PER 계산 통상적으로 동일 업종 평균 대비 PER이 낮으면 저평가, 높으면 고평가라고 보며최소 흑자인 기업을 대상으로 계산하는게 맞다. 주당순이익 - 지배주주순이익으로 평가지배주주순이익 / 발행주식수 = EPS (보통주와 우선주가 있을때는 보통주만)종가 / EPS = PER 최저가일때 PER과 최근반등나왔을때의 PER을 구해보고 저평가인지 고평가인지 판단 2023. 2. 14.
